Imagine it: waking refreshed in the morning, free from the trauma and blocks of the past, living a beautiful life and putting yourself first (without guilt).
Imagine getting there in weeks, not months or years.
For almost three decades, Vibe Creations Reiki has been using Law of Attraction principles and several energy healing modalities to help hundreds of people heal from trauma and manifest what they desire most in life.​​
Grab my free ebook ‘’UnFuck Your Vibe’’ now to learn more!
Your subconscious is sabotaging you
Buried trauma could be keeping you stuck- and you might not even be aware of it!
Did you know that only 1% of your manifesting is done by the conscious mind?
The law of attraction can be really tricky when you aren't aware of just how many things can affect your vibration. Emotions have a huge effect, but what those emotions do to your body and sub/unconscious mind has a huge effect on your ability to create what you want.
Not only do our emotions trigger our bodily energy flows (chakras), but when not processed they can also bury themselves deep in the body tissues, sub/unconscious, mind, allowing them to silently broadcast a vibration and block you from what you truly desire.
It is our goal to help you remove the silent broadcast (block) as quickly as possible so you can become your fullest self.
Grab my free ebook ‘’UnFuck Your Vibe’’ for some Law of Attraction basics - and mythbusting!

Trying to heal without handling the underlying issues is like swimming with cinder blocks tied to your legs. Imagine how much easier it would be, how much less you’d have to fight through if you could just let go?
Suffering from a chronic condition?
Many people with chronic pain or illness seek out Reiki healing. There are many reasons for this, from dissatisfaction with doctors and treatment to wanting a more holistic approach after feeling they’ve been failed by Western medicine.
Reiki is a great modality for those with chronic conditions as it’s gentle and passive, so you can get results and feel better even on bad days.
Regular support is ideal, so have a look at my Awaken group healing here!
WTF is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing process that can open and balance the chakras and speed healing of physical and emotional traumas.
It also increases your vibration and higher self/source/universe connection, similar to meditation, so you can manifest your future more easily.
It’s a push method of pure positive energy to flush out the negativity in the body, sort of like unclogging a pipe. Reiki can even be performed from a distance, using a photo to focus the energy so it’s still extremely powerful.
WTF is Block Removal?
We store so much in our minds and bodies. Your brain and DNA are basically supercomputers that store everything from emotions, to trauma, beliefs, and programming.
Using intuition and a powerful clearing technique to remove all the things that are secretly fucking you in your sub/unconscious mind, in your genetic memory, and even your past lives, your blocks will be lifted from you.
It’s followed by Reiki to fill in any "holes", so you don't feel empty and pull those patterns, beliefs, etc back into your body out of comfort or habit.
Real humans who have worked with me:
(Seriously, really real humans, not actors or fake images... And they really have worked with me... No celebrities or BS quotes here... click a picture and see their real FB pages)
Melissa H.
Ashley is a strong intuitive and, bit by bit, my life started making more sense. Seizures slowed and then disappeared, I started working out issues that I had been dealing with (and repeating) for years. I'm finally out of the negative loop and working on thriving instead of just surviving. My panic attacks are gone and so are my seizures.
Crystal S.
You reiki sessions have been a godsend!!! When I was first diagnosed with cancer I was so scared and my energy was so unfocused that I knew healing was going to be tough. As soon as I set up sessions with you I felt a sense of relief!! After the first session I felt so grounded and able to focus on the work I had ahead of me. The weekly sessions kept me strong and I know for a fact that is what help me heal so quickly after my surgery!! Without you and the work you do I believe I would still be fighting but now I'm recovered and cancer free!!!! Thank you for being an amazing healer!!!!!
Rachael S.
Entrepreneurship at its core is a journey of personal development, and you're clearing the rocks and old garbage from my path. With each Reiki session, if feel lighter, freer, and more capable. The results are showing up in my business. I feel better is an understatement. I'm not sure how I ever lived without your healing sessions. Thank you Ashley.